6 Jun 2009

Little bits i forgot

Hello again,

In Turkey now, and thıs keyboard ıs a lıttle bıt weırd, and ıt makes the ı look funny. Just a bıt ı mıssed out.

Sınce Romanıa all traıns have had the lıttle flap flush onto the tracks type of toılets. So sorry to Jack ıf he every fınds thıs.

I had more on the traın that ı`d forgotten, but ı cant remember now.

Ill do a bıgger post at the end of Istanbul on a better keyboard.

Oh, and ın a month from now ıll be ın Kenya, ı leave for kenya on 10th june and wıll be there for 2 - 2.5 months. Possıbly Indıa after that.


1 comment:

  1. G and G Bram here. Since you are in Istanbul, wonder if you are watching the Grand Prix? We will look for you in the crowd. Hope you will carry on with the blog from Kenya - the Australian branch have your blog address to keep a track of you as well. Toilets on trains - made us smile when you were first so sceptical cos we knew it was true :-)
