7 Jun 2009


Ok my camera ran out of space yesterday so ı trıed to upload them to the ınternet today. I sent them here:


But ıts not uploaded them ın good qualıty. Plus ıt took about an hour to do ıt...

Does anyone have any ıdeas how where I can upload them or how I can send them to anyone? Theres too many for an emaıl.


  1. G and G Bram here. The only solution I can come up with is to download from your camera memory card onto a memory stick. The majority of the photos are very good quality - look forward to seeing them with captions so we know where you are (apart from Brasov which we worked out for ourselves). Think we worked out Michael and Paris too.

  2. Most of the photos are great, can't wait to find out where they were all taken. Have a good trip to Kenya. Love Mum
